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An over-the-top 80’s sports rivalry starring world-class dancing horses with a classic soundtrack featuring one of the decades most montage-worthy pump-up jams. Can your heart stand the thrilling excitement of edge-of-your-seat horse drama!? I HOPE SO. If not, please see a doctor or something.
Director/Writer/Editor: Stefan Glidden
Producer: Andrea Cox & Emily Laue
Executive Producer: Aaron Feldman
DP: N2itions Productions
Starring: Hero: Raymeister
Rider – Yvonne Barteau – KYB Dressage
Love Interest: Fairly Fresh
Villain: Adam Wahlberg
Song: Thunder in Your Heart by Stan Bush
Written by Gloria Sklerov & Lenny Macaluso
℗ 2013 Macaluso Music
Client: Half Pass Moon Productions